Saturday, December 27, 2008

things to realize

This is Bella's second year in brownies. We have 21 girls in our troop for which I am the leader. What that means is that for our troop its easiest to manage if at each meeting we break the girls down into smaller groups/stations and then switch every so often. If you do this and have 4 stations then at each meeting you can achieve at least one try it. We meet usually twice a month so that's at least 2 try its each month that the girls earned. My girls also decided to do some things over the summer so that added a few here and there as well. I also believe that if a girl is doing something with her family already and with maybe doing one extra step or something there is a try to be had then go ahead and earn it. Hence Bella earning the ones for things like climbing and flight.

We have also realized that some council's have amazing opportunities to do things out of the book and really build on what your girls might like. (hence bowling, bats, etc) As I build this site I will share some of our favorite council's own program sites with you all as well.

Friday, December 26, 2008

in the beginning

I thought it would make my blog a bit cleaner if I moved the brownie stuff to a seperate space. Here Bella and I could share her progress in scouts and also ideas we have for different projects. Bella loves brownies (so does William actually) there you have it