Thursday, February 26, 2009

for those interested in the bat try it

its called going batty and is from
they have the junior badge as well...didn't ask about the IPA .

The Netherlands has be to ordered from a its a troops own rather then council's own and if you email me privately I can get you the contact info.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

new try its in...

we got in the going batty try its (finally) and the Native American Culture ones... Love them!

getting ready for Thinking Day

yesturday the girls started to get ready for Thinking Day. We "elected" to represent Ireland and one of the mom's in the troop, who's lived there, is organizing things. It was rather nice to just be able to watch and partake rather then plan everything. The girls learned an Irish Lullaby and about traditions in Ireland. We made our swaps...then we had paczkis for snack (which is Polish not Irish but since it was Fat Tuesday how could we let the opportunity pass). Anyways we came away with earning Citizens Near and Far.
Today we are going Ice Skating at the local arena.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

so at this point...

we went to the troy historical muesum...which was a great time for the kids. We learned alot and saw alot. Bella and William decided they didnt' want to live back then because they didn't have computers. LOL

I also realized that I'm going to have to point Bella into the try its that face point down... LOL because right now most of the try its she's earned/doing are point up and that's just making it a pain to sew on. Probably because I don't like it if they look upside down.

today's mail brought lots of treats

today we got Ballerina and Rock on from MIddle Tennesse and then cosmic adventurer and creepy crawlers from rolling hills (I believe)

all were lots of fun to earn!

Monday, February 16, 2009

I scanned

these are 2 troops own... rather then council's own. They are a little harder to find and order because there is no council website that "advertises" them ... the share the season one was great fun and the one on the Netherlands looks fun as well ...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I need to scan in some

but yesturday (maybe it was Thursday) brought up a few troops own... Share the Season and the Netherlands. Bella wants to do the Netherlands one and I figured if I was mailing away to the same group for the others it was faster and cheaper (postage wise) to go ahead and get it. So this week is mid winter break and I think I will "push" her to get the Netherlands one done. We also are going with a brownie friend to Cranbrook Science muesum and maybe the Troy Historical Muesum.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

we had a great time at the pool

I am so sorry I forgot my camera (again!) ... some how I have to work on remembering that. Overall it was good... the only glitch was that they told our field trip mom that they do a pretty standard water safety class so it was no problem. However when we got there the lifeguard had only done one other class for cub scouts/boy scouts and they had brought her a list so she didn't have a real clue. Thankfully I got a hold of grandma at work and she was able to tell us the requirements via phone so we could do it. =) In the end it was still great and I would recommend this for other troops. Even just taking the group there to swim/play since we went to the Warren Community Pool

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

got the bat situation fixed

They had my credit card/debit card number written wrong and no phone number. So I called yesturday and all is well. They are now officially on their way from IL and so they should be here in a day or two. I'll of course post pictures then.

Today we are going to a local pool to earn our water safety and fun try it from Virigina Skyline Council.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

more pictures of try its earned

we have native American Lore, underground railroad and marvelous mystery from Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council.

from the girl scouts of chesapeake council we earned the campfire try it (at camp LOL).
For some reason our going batty try it hasnt' come in yet... and that was ordered back on 1/26 so I need to call them on Monday. Even though it doesn't look like it I am almost caught up on ordering... several of them come from the same council so I'm waiting till after we go ice skating (on 3/25) to order because I don't want to have to pay postage twice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thursday's adventures

Tommorrow is 1/2 day at our school. With so many working mom's its hard for them so we planned for all the troops who wanted to to have lunch and spend soemtime together. We are watching the Kit Kitridge movie and doing some activities. So we should be able to have the girls earn "Girl Scouts through the years" and hopefully because the group isn't overly large and I have several mom's helping we can also get "listening to the past" done as well. Not to bad if you ask me. Bella's excited! I still have to get some shopping done before then.

Did you know chocolate chip cookies were "created" in the 30's? Ritz crackers and fritos as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

here is the sun safe earned patch

The girls earned this one this past fall.... I have one that I think I finally figured out who gets it! LOL Some days its easier then others. But when you have a daughter earning on her own, with one other friend from another troop, a combined group of brownies and your regular troop it can get confusing.

THis one is from Frountier Council and I believe that's in Arizona. Its a great one to earn when gearing up for the summer because its alot about using sun screen and such. Which here in Michigan the sun is out only so much. Though we did learn that its very good to use sunscreen even in the winter here in Michigan because of the UVA and UVB rays. (UVC rays don't reach through the earth's atmosphere! Told ya we listen and learn!)

fun with flight from Western Washington

I believe that's what the council is called...

Bella earned this last summer when she went to Dreams and Wings with UMDM.

Bella is now working on earning her safety award and her God and Me award ... I think there is one other Brownie Challange pin as well she wants to still do this school year.

Monday, February 2, 2009

just in

here is the gymnastics try it and junior badge from Western Penn. Again another cool looking design!
I think I scanned them upside down but you get the idea LOL
I am hoping tommorrow's mail will bring me the going batty try its and fun with flight try its. Then on Wednesday I should be ordering another round!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

ok so I said before that I was ordering try its

And just in (well ok it came Saturday but still) ... here is "fishing fun" from GS of NoARK. The lady at the shop was just a doll to talk to and order from! And its soo cute!
It was super fun to earn and you actually could earn it with out really going fishing if you had to but why not get out this summer and go fishing!?