Tuesday, March 31, 2009

so today's mail came in...

and brought us the maple syrup try its. Just waiting on a few more that are on back order. This was a great one to do and very easy since its sugar maple tapping season here in Michigan. The local nature center does a program that we attended. Lots of fun!

Monday, March 30, 2009

so I've been scanning away this afternoon

and have tons to share:

starting wtih watersheds and me, water safety and fun,

sewing, outdoor skills,

on ice and Ms. President

Life in Colonial Times

its magic,

Honoring Our Armed Forces,

homeless awareness,

girl scout pride

every vote counts,


confectionarily yours,

computer ease,

climate control,



we are still waiting on more to be delivered. And I don't scan in the ones that are in the brownie book either.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Gosh I'm behind on things... I've got just about all the try its ordered/purchased so we are up to date. Which is a great feeling! This past meeting we did "what if I couldn't?" from Georgia (here is the link to the requirements...you will need to call the council shop to order them and right now they are on backorder http://www.girlscoutsofgreateratlanta.org/volunteer_zone/default.asp?page=tryit_badge ).... what a great one for troops to earn! I think this should be on every troops to do list. We talked about how not all disablities are seen and out of the leaders there we had the girls vote on which one of us has a learning disablity. They got it wrong but it got them talking about how just because you learn or do things differently doesn't mean you are stupid or wierd. WE also got to talk to the mom of one of their classmates who has autism. Like I said it was a great try it to earn!

I will to some more scanning soon so you can see what has come in.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was Thinking Day Friday night

and what a great time we had. Last year was great with just the troops in the school but this year we did it as a neighborhood- so all the girl scout troops in our area were invited to partake..... It was alot of fun and the girls had a great time.

Today the girls have a cookie booth and Bella is now 80 boxes away from her 550 goal...so hopefully today will bring her really close to that number!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

another round...

well this past few days brought us our Society of Women Engineers try it... that Bella and a few friends earned at cranbrook...they have a great area on building and pulleys and levers and such.

We also got our Girl Scout pride patches in (I'm having scanner issues so will post a picture soon)..they are an earned patch and when I remember the contact info for both these I will share it. I promise Jill!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Got some feed back last nightabout the blog

since part of the reason for the blog is to help other troops earn try its. When I post about a try it I will try to post the contact info for the council and the requirements if possible as well. (unless they are really long and then I will just refer you to the site). The exception would be if its a troops own rather than a council's own because I don't feel its would be right to give out people's personal info but if you email me than I will share how you get in touch with them.

If you have any other things you'd like to see here just let us know.

So for those of you I talked to last night....and mentioned the maple syrup try it here is the link to the requirements
Maple Syrup Try-It
Complete four of the eight requirements including the one starred.
1. Discovery of Maple Syrup*Native Americans have several different legends about the discovery of the ‘water’ found in trees. Read or listen to a legend.
2. Collecting the SapEarly Pioneers improved upon the collection and reduction process. Learn about the way that early European pioneers processed the sap. Taste sugar maple sap, if possible.
3. Knowing the SourceLearn how to identify a sugar maple tree. Learn how big a tree should be before it is tapped. Learn about the sugar maple trees and how the weather affects when the sap will flow.
4. Maple Syrup ProcessHow many gallons of sap will it take to make one gallon of pure maple syrup? Listen to a talk or demonstration on the past and present methods for making maple syrup or sugar.
5. Enjoying the LaborTaste pure maple syrup. Set up a taste test with pure maple syrup and two other maple syrup brands. How are they different and how are they the same?
6. Planting for the FuturePlant a sugar maple tree for future generations to enjoy.
7. Read about Maple SyrupRead several books to someone younger than you along the theme of pancakes or maple syrup. Some examples are: The Run Away Pancake by Joan Tate, Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie DePaola, and Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle.ORMake up a game using the idea of pancakes and/or maple syrup.
8. Cooking with Maple SyrupHost a pancake breakfast for your families.ORPut together a recipe book with favorite recipes using maple syrup. Ask family members for contributions. Publish the completed book for all the troop members.

then you can order it online here http://www.gs-sybaquay.org/shop/shopdisplayproducts.asp?Search=Yes&sppp=10