Monday, March 30, 2009

so I've been scanning away this afternoon

and have tons to share:

starting wtih watersheds and me, water safety and fun,

sewing, outdoor skills,

on ice and Ms. President

Life in Colonial Times

its magic,

Honoring Our Armed Forces,

homeless awareness,

girl scout pride

every vote counts,


confectionarily yours,

computer ease,

climate control,



we are still waiting on more to be delivered. And I don't scan in the ones that are in the brownie book either.


  1. Hi! I'm a Brownie Troop leader in NY (Tr.1562). I recognize many of the try-its you pictured, but there are a few I'm not able to find: Dinosaurs, It's Magic, Honoring Our Armed Forces, and Climate Control. Can you tell me what council they're from? Thanks!

  2. Do you do all of these with your troop or does your daughter do many by herself? I am a Brownie troop leader in Missouri (794) and want to afford all my girls the same opportunities, but don't want to deprive my daughter of the chance to do them.

    I love following your blog!
